Wednesday, February 27, 2013


How Can We Teach Critical Thinking? ERIC Digest.
The need to teach higher order thinking skills is not a recent one. Education pundits have called for renewed interest in problem solving for years. As far back as 1967, Raths, Jonas, Rothstein and Wassermann (1967) decried the lack of emphasis on thinking in the schools. They noted that "...memorization, drill, homework, the three Rs [and the] quiet classroom" were rewarded, while "...inquiry, reflection [and] the consideration of alternatives [were] frowned upon."
That students are lagging in problem-solving and thinking skills is apparent at all levels of education. However, critical thinking courses and texts, in particular, may result in fragmentation of thinking skills. Thinking cannot be divorced from content; in fact, thinking is a way of learning content (Raths and others, 1967). In every course, and especially in content subjects, students should be taught to think logically, analyze and compare, question and evaluate. Skills taught in isolation do little more than prepare students for tests of isolated skills (Spache and Spache, 1986). The same criticism may be made with regard to commercial thinking skills materials. However, when such materials are integrated with content, they may become effective tools for attacking real issues.

Classification as a Process Skill

Fossil Dig: MIX DRY

Monday, February 25, 2013

Making Fossils

Making Fossils Lab

You are running a company that is going to create a paleontology kit. The kit has a fossil encased in some matrix.

Fossil Image:

Your task is to create a matrix and determine which plaster/sand mixture is the best.
Remember to use the MIX DRY Method

Radiometric dating.

Radiometric Dating from SERC

You are going to be simulating the radioactive decay of an unstable isotope.   Any given atom of that isotope has a 50% chance of decaying over the course one half-life (the duration of which is a constant for any given isotope; i.e. about 5700 years for 14 C, about 700,000,000 years for 235U).  For this model, let’s assume that an M & M represents an atom.  If the side showing the letter “m” is up, the candy represents an undecayed atom of a radioactive isotope.  If the blank side is up, it represents a decayed atom (it has become another element).  A half-life is a single trial.


·        to understand the importance of the law of averages (thus sample size) on the proportion of undecayed-to-decayed atoms

·        to observe that the effect of decay in reducing the population size limits the number of half-lives to which the law of averages applies

Friday, February 22, 2013

Geologic Time Scale

Directions for Adding Machine Paper Geologic Time Scale

The purpose of this activity is to give a graphic demonstration of the enormous extent of geologic time compared to recent time. Using the events listed below, construct a linear representation of Geologic Time by taking your group’s roll of adding machine paper and make a Geologic Timeline.
Directions: 1. Decide what scale you will use and record that at the beginning of your tape. You will use meters, centimeters and millimeters to represent units of time in the history of the earth.

a. If 46 meters represents 4.6 billion years, how many years does 1 m represent? ____________

b. How many years are represented by 1 cm? __________________ 10 cm? _____________

c. How many years are represented by 1 mm? _________________

2. Using your meter stick, mark off increments of a billion years along the bottom of the tape until you get to the “origin of Earth” at 46 billion years. Give yourself a little room past this mark to write on and cut your tape.

3. First, record the eras, periods and epochs along the bottom of the tape. You may want to use different colors of pencils to make it visually stand out and look attractive.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

MIX DRY Rockets, NASA rockets


Pop! Rocket Launcher - Nasa
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Ruler. Optional: PVC cutter. Eye protection for anyone near launcher. Management. The Pop! Rocket Launcher, although fun for all students, is an ideal launcher ...


Advanced High-Power Paper Rockets - Nasa
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1/2” PVC pipe 24” long for each rocket builder or team. Eye protection. Mission Report sheet. Other construction materials as required by the team missions ...


Water Rocket Construction - Nasa
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The cuts can be slanted to streamline them. A saw or PVC cutter is used for cutting. The segments act as launch lugs to guide the rocket up the launch rod during ...


Rockets Educator Guide - Nasa
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the altitude achieved by the rockets they construct. Description. Determining the altitude reached by a rocket ... Join the PVC pieces together as shown in ...


How in the world did they do it - Steve Spangler Science

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By Gregory Voght/NASA JSC ... Students construct paper rockets, test rocket stability, and launch with an air ... Rocket forms (short lengths of ½ “ PVC tubes) ...

PVC Rocket Launcher - Rocket Boys Curriculum

Rocket Launchers and More - A New Lesson in Rocketry Adapted from “Industrial Strength Paper Rockets” By Gregory Voght/NASA JSC. How to Make PVC ...

MAKE | How-To Tuesday: Compressed air rocket

Mar 10, 2009 – At normal temperatures, standard Schedule 40 PVC has a working ... NASA's description of how air-powered rockets work also includes a nice ...