Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What's working?

I like to know what's working and what's not working. To do this, think of 3, 2, 1, List three thing that are working for you in regards to this class. Then list two things you would like to see or do in terms of educational technology. Finally, tell me what isn't working, what would you remove from this course. Consider this is a summer course and extremely compressed in terms of time. Be critical, but don't be personal. Thanks


A. Kleinpaste said...

1. Windows Movie Maker
2. Google Pages are so much easier than writting html like we did for Ellerburch's class!
3. Picassa

1. Maybe learn more things that students could do with technology
2. Learn more about windows movie maker and Picassa

1. Video of Phil. of Education

Panos Pandelis said...

Well, I think that everything is working in your class. It's one of the most valuable classes I've taken so far.
However, it would be more beneficial to me had I taken the course during a regular semester. Nevertheless, I've been introduced to many useful tools that I'll utilize in my teaching career and personal life.
Peter Pandelis.

smccandl24 said...

Google pages
Windows movie maker

Learn more about using Picassa
More work with you tube

The video of Philosophy of Education

George said...

What's working: I liked finding out how to make a website on google. I also enjoyed creating movies and slideshows, which I hadn't done before. It was also interesting to find out how easy it is to blog and upload videos to Youtube.
What I'd like to see: I would like to see more ways to use programs like google earth in the classroom. Also, more focus on obtaining good research from the internet might have been useful.
What could go: I thought that the work in Microsoft Office was fairly unnecessary, because I was already familiar with the programs and I think most of the other students were as well.

lwyr2B said...

3 things that work:
1. Google Pages- building a portfolio
2. WebQuests- an interesting resource
3. PowerPoint Jeopardy- I learned a lot of new functions in powerpoint and I think it is something I would use.
2 Things I would like to see or do:
1. You Tube- more use of it.
2. More with educational games.
What's not working:
1. The philosophy of education thing did not work for me because I hadn't already written one. It ended up being too much extra work for such a short class.

ASohasky said...

Three things that working:
1: teaching how to do videos/slideshows
2: creating a grade book
3: reviewing and evaluating WebQuests

Two things to use or do:
1: greater use of youtube
2: more ideas about how to incorporate technology into our own lessons and subject area

One thing that isn't working:
1: history of internet presentation/powerpoint

NMUErin said...

3 Things that work
I quite enjoyed the grade books. I think it is very important that teachers know how to use excel, or some sort of spreadsheet to keep track of students and their grades. This, most of the time, is most accurate and less time consuming. I also really enjoyed the portfolio overall. I think this class gave us all a great start on putting ourselves out there as far as educational careers. The last thing I think worked really well was the software evaluation. I like this because it gave us the groundwork for what works and what does not work when it comes to software. As educators, we must all be able to not only keep up on the software out there, but we must also know what is good and what is not so good. The evaluations gave us a good understanding on how to judge software for our classrooms.
2 things that we need to work on
I think the first thing that needs to be worked on is the videos. Many of us had a hard time uploading the videos onto our page. I think that if we would have started with this, or perhaps if someone had the kinks worked out before we started, it would have made it much easier. I also think that we should have had better instruction. This is a technology class, why not have a word document with details of how to do the assignments. That would have been helpful for those of us that weren’t as updated on the technology as the others.
1 thing to eliminate
I think that the one thing that we didn’t really need in this class was the poster. Most of us, growing up in the era that we did, know how to use word processing programs very well. I remember when I was in elementary making posters on word. To me, it was just a repeat of basic word processing. However, I did enjoy the assignment because we were able to be very creative and it was easy.

ashley said...

3 things that worked for me in this class were: 1)using google pages, because I had never even know about this site. Also in high school we used frontpage, but google was a lot easier. 2) Another useful thing for me was youtube. I learned how to post videos, which I have never done before. 3)The last thing that worked for me was Windows Movie Maker. I think this is very relevant for a teacher because students can easily make videos and slideshows. I also thought WebQuests were a great tool. I never heard of them before, but will probably use them when I become a teacher.

2 things that I would like to see added are: 1)more ideas or a guide where we could put technology in a regular lesson plan to give it an extra boost. 2) More collaborative work, getting used to working with peers more and discussion

1 thing that could be dropped from the class is: 1) posting the philosphy of education video.
ashley ingram

Aaron's Blog said...

I really enjoyed learning about Web 2.0 and the use google pages.Learning how to evaluate webquests was great because that is useful information that applies to me right now. I also thought learning how to use excel was great because now I get the basic concept of using a grade book. I didn't care to the grant proposal project because it really doesn't simulate writing a grant; however, the activity was still good because it got the class doing research for materials we would use for our future classroom. In addition, I also found the internet project to be boring and not very useful. Overall I really thought the structure of the class itself was great. For the most part I really enjoyed the course.

Kpearl said...
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Chaz M. Tillman said...

I really enjoyed this class and I think I will use a lot of the techniques I learned. Three things I really liked include:
1. We had time in class to get done what we needed to, rather than having a really strict structure.
2. Working with Web 2.0
3. Learning how to create a web portfolio (I think it will be very useful)

Two things I wish we would have covered would be, how to make a podcast, and a little more digital editing.

Again, I think this class is very beneficial for future teachers and besides the fact that we were pressed for time (being a summer class) I really enjoyed the class!

Mr. H said...

3 Things that worked:
Making websites/portfolios

2 Things to do more of:
Web 2.0 - knowing how to code
Chatting/IM implemented in/out of class

I would like to see more activities in class, or less time on certain activities that we feel knowledgeable about

darmo said...

One aspect of the class I think is working is learning how to build a web page and applying other things we've learned to it. I also like that the class leaves a lot of room for exploration. Lastly, the class really helps us understand the many online applications available on web 2.0.

Something I would like to explore more is maybe some ways to personalize websites a little more than with google pages. Obviously that is impossible in four weeks, but maybe in a full semester.

One thing I would take out is the web quest evaluation. I don't feel like I will be applying that method to anything in the future. Even if I do use a webquest in my classroom, I won't be writing up a evaluation sheet for it.Just knowing about them and exploring them a little is enough I think.

M Penney said...

What's Working:

1)I like how goal-oriented the assignments are in this class. They are all designed to meet the tech objectives and standards set out for us. 2) The variety of activities meant I never got board. Making a portfolio is personally meaningful, so building one is a great foundation for all of our activities. 3) This class has a workshop spirit and I enjoyed working with small groups. I think it is great that we are encouraged to coach one another.

A Couple of Ideas for Next Time:
Of course, it always seems things could be excellent if only we had more time, of course. Here's a couple of ideas: 1) we could have designed webquests in small groups, 2) we could have used our blogs for more structured assignments like this one.

One Thing We Could Skip:
I think if I had to let one thing go, it would be the poster. Some other word processing project, maybe? How about kicking it up a notch and creating tables or flow charts or something?

C Adams said...

1. I really found the website building helpful, I really enjoyed it and I think it will be very useful
2. I enjoyed learning new things like the moviemaker.
3. I also liked learning of the free download software that is available, like Picassa.
This is the one of the few classes that I will take things we did in class and use them in the future!

1. I know we were short on time, but I wish we could have learned more about the movie, I enjoyed doing that.
2. More time on learning how to embed videos.

1. I liked everything we did in class, however the poster was really easy, and I think that everyone knows how to do that now.

Blu said...

1. Google Pages is an amazing tool. I hate the drudgery of writing out html coding, but I like being able to add elements of html where I see fit.
2. Enjoyed utilizing video and other multimedia in a classroom setting and applying it to the educational sphere.
3. Liked video recording our philosophy of education.

1. Spend a little more time using windows movie maker; I'll mess around with it more so I have my students use it later.
2. Would like to know more about any additional technologies that I haven't heard about.

1. Powerpoint. I'm familiar with the program and understand its relevance, the jeopardy project and history of the internet was slightly redundant; but still important.

Kpearl said...

What's working?
1.I do like google page maker it's is a lot easier than Dreamweaver although google pages is limited there are a lot less steps involved to make an effective web page.
2.I like that we explore different was to us technology such as webQuest and we apply it to our field
3. I like that we are leaving with something that we can use in our future such as our e-portfolio

what I would use
1.use of different technology in the classroom. not limiting technology to power point

what's needs work
I think that the Webct page is very cluttered and it is sometimes hard to navigate when I am looking for information I need to complete an assignment.