Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thougts for Web 2.0 tools sub-committee:

The teleconference this week discussed mobile device applications quite a bit. The GPO has been in discussions about mobile device apps for quite some time, but we did not (do not) currently have the capacity to do it. We are going to be undergoing a tech - restructuring so that may change. Everything is quite fluid at the moment.

However, I think that in spite of the fluidity of the situation, that does not preclude us from thinking about and laying out what a mobile app (or apps) might encompass for GLOBE. Along that vein, I will share with you the information I have regarding previous discussions.

I am working on obtaining notes from the meeting that Ed attended last fall on behalf of GLOBE. I put the original conference announcement on google docs - you should have received an invitation to view it. If anyone knows someone who attended this meeting (or if you did!) it would be great to learn more about the details of the discussion that ensued and see how we can use what the citizen science community has learned. If I get the notes from the conference I will post them for everyone to review.

-Donna C

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