Thursday, October 6, 2011

Institutional Review Board (Consent Form)

Consent Form for Anonymous Surveys
Study Title: Touch Technologies Educational Needs Assessment
Instructor’s Name and Department: Mitchell Klett, NMU and UT-Tyler
Contact information for the researchers:
Mitchell Klett, Professor of Science Education, Educational Technology
University of Texas-Tyler
Office of Sponsored Research
Tyler, TX 75799
NMU office: 906-227-16541
UT_Tyler Office: 903-565-5756
Michael Odell, Professor-Science Education, Engineering; Celia & Sam Roosth Endowed Chair
The University of Texas at Tyler
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
UT_Tyler Office: 903-565-59803

Introductory Statement Touch Technologies Educational Needs Assessment Study
You are invited to take part in research about the use of Touch Technologies (iPODS, iPADS, Tablets) for education and teaching. You are a potential participant because you are currently teaching or plan on teaching. This research is being conducted by Drs. Mitchell Klett and Michael Odell, along with student researchers. We ask you read this form before agreeing to be in the research.

What is the purpose of this research study?

The purpose of the research study is to find out information about how teachers use or plan to use touch technologies in teaching. In addition, we are seeking information on how teachers implement and integrate educational technology in their classroom to better work with their students. We are interested in learning more about how teachers can use these technologies to enhance student learning. Researchers also want to learn more about the barriers to teachers using the technology in a more effective manner.

What will I do in this study?

If you agree to be in this research study, and sign this consent form, we ask that you fill out an online survey. The survey should take only 15-30 minutes of your time.

Are there any risks and/or benefits of participating in the study?
You will be asked to answer questions about yourself not limited to your age, teaching status, and use of technology in the classroom. Some of the questions may be personal, but the information will not be shared with anyone else. You may refuse to answer any questions on the form. We can provide you with information about programs and services that you can contact for help if you need it. We will not share with anyone, including the staff at Northern Michigan University or the University of Texas at Tyler. There are no direct benefits of the study for teachers taking the survey. The risk level of this research is considered to be less than minimal.

Will anyone know what I do or say in this study (Confidentiality)?

The records of this study will be kept private. Anything you tell us will remain confidential. In any sort of report of the study, we will not include any information that will make it possible to identify you. We are not asking for your name, address, or phone number. Your name and other identifying information will not be kept with this survey. The surveys will be kept in a locked file; only the researchers for this study will have access to the records.

Will I receive any compensation for participation? Your decision whether or not to participate in this research will not affect current or future relations with Northern Michigan University, the University of Texas at Tyler, or the staff helping with this research study. Even if you sign the consent form, you are free to stop doing the survey at any time. You do not need to complete this survey if you feel uncomfortable doing so.

Who can I contact for information about this study?
The researchers conducting this study are Drs. Mitchell Klett and Michael Odell. You may contact the researchers at the University by calling (903) 565-5756. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the treatment of human subjects, contact: The University of Texas at Tyler IRB Administrator:
Gloria Duke, PhD, IRB Chair Associate Dean,
Office of Nursing Research & Scholarship
Phone: 903-566-7023
Office: Oac 103
Email: Gduke@Uttyler.Edu

I have read the above information and understand this survey is voluntary and I may stop at any time. I consent to participate in the study.

Signature of participant Date

Signature of researchers Date

My return of this survey implies my consent to participate in this research and I have been given a second copy of this form to keep for my records. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which this study is being conducted, you may report (anonymously if you so choose) any complaints to the University of Texas at Tyler, Office of Sponsored Research.

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